环氧地坪夏季施工为什么会出现色差?哪些因素造成环氧地坪漆表面黯淡无光?环氧地坪漆以耐磨,抗压,防尘防潮,地表清理方便,表明光泽持久等著称,漆膜坚韧,耐磨性好,施工安全省心,… 如何看待地坪涂料品质与品牌之间的关系?哪些因素造成环氧地坪漆表面黯淡无光?如何看待地坪涂料品质与品牌之间的关系?对于一个企业的产品而言,品质是品牌的基础,对于品质大家经常会看到… 厂家对环氧地坪翻新方法技巧经验分享哪些因素造成环氧地坪漆表面黯淡无光?环氧地坪翻新注意事项:尽可能减少工序,降低成本,不影响正常生产;修复的面涂和旧无锡环氧地坪面漆颜色尽量…
Reasons for dull surface of epoxy floor paint:
1. Because of the greed for cheapness, epoxy flooring paint has been chosen for materials with relatively low price but poor quality, resulting in the construction of epoxy flooring can not achieve the desired results.
2. When using epoxy floor paint material, there is no excessive diluent added according to the requirements of the manufacturer, or the selected diluent is not matched, boiling point is low and volatilization is too fast.
3. The application of topcoat before the last coat is completely dried leads to a dull epoxy floor paint.
4. The base floor is not polished flat by using floor grinder, and the ground is rough, which results in the unevenness of epoxy floor paint after construction. The light refraction results in the insufficient gloss of the coating surface.
5. When epoxy floor paint is constructed, the ambient temperature is too high. Excessive temperature will cause wrinkling of the floor paint and affect the gloss of the surface.
6. The environmental humidity of epoxy floor paint construction site is too high (the relative humidity is over 80%), which causes the epoxy floor paint film to become white after absorbing water and lose luster.
Method to avoid dull epoxy floor paint:
1. Choose materials with quality assurance produced by regular floor paint manufacturers.
2. In strict accordance with the requirements of flooring paint manufacturers, add diluents for epoxy flooring paint.
3. When topcoat is applied, it must wait for the top coat to be completely dry.
4. Before the construction of epoxy floor paint, the ground must be ground flat by a floor grinder, and the oil and sundries should be cleaned up.
5. The optimum construction temperature of epoxy floor paint is 5-25 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to avoid high temperature during construction.
6. The ambient humidity should not be higher than 80% during the construction of epoxy floor paint.
如何看待地坪涂料品质与品牌之间的关系?盐城环氧地坪 如何看待地坪涂料品质与品牌之间的关系?对于一个企业的产品而言,品质是品牌的基础,对于品质大家经常会看到或听到最好的或更好的说法,而我们看待产品的品质不能片面的看某一方面,更多的是应该看综合指标,一个产品的品质应一分为二,一个是地坪产 品自身的品质,主要是地坪的质量,环保性、耐磨性、耐压性、耐… 环氧地坪施工时基面含水率过高会有哪些影响?盐城环氧地坪环氧地坪在施工过程中遇到含水量过高的基面,一定要采取准确的防水方案,才能避免日后无锡环氧地坪系统出现问题。做环氧地坪施工的都知道,环氧地坪施工时如果基面的含水率高的话会导致刚做好的地坪漆膜有水泡溢出,进而导致地坪漆膜破裂,影响地坪的使用。那么引起环氧地坪基面含水量过高的原因有哪些呢?又该如何…